
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Up in the Sky

Venus T., 5, GSIS

Have you ever been on an airplane? How did you feel as the plane took off?  

I have been on a plane. It was noisy.

What are some things all planes have?

All the planes have wings. They also have windows.

If you were designing your own dream airplane, what would you put on it?

Item: Beauty Set
Reason: Because it is nice
Item: Bird
Reason: The plane will fly higher.
Item: Cinema
Reason: More people will come.

What are some things you would not want to have on your airplane?

I do not wants worms, and I also do not want cockroaches.

Where is the first place your plane would fly? How long would it take to get there?

It would fly to the U.S.A. It would take 13 hours to go there.

Would you take your airplane to school each day? Why or why not? 

I would take my airplane to school because it would be faster than the school bus.

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