
Friday, April 20, 2012

President of Holanderlabi

Sharon Y., 7, Kiangsu

1)      If you were the president of your own country, what would you name it? 

I would name it Holanderlabi.

2)      Where would it be?

My Holanderlabi is in Europe next to Holland.

3)      Every country has a flag. Draw a picture of your country’s flag, then describe it:

There are six colours on my flag. There is a strawberry on my flag because there are a lot of strawberries in my country.

4)      Every country has a national anthem, or a song that describes their country. Write four lines of a song or poem for your country. If you can, make it rhyme!

Holanderlabi sala boni sea,
I love you Holanderlabi,
It has strawberries full of markets,
I have gold Ha Ha Holanderlabi!

5)      Hong Kong is full of mountains and skyscrapers. What does your country look like? How big is it?

It’s full of houses and strawberries. LIKE THIS BIG! Bigger than Hong Kong!

6)      You want more tourists to come to your country, so you print a travel guide that lists the three best things to do in your country. What are they?

l   Buy strawberries
l   Eat your own food
l   Go to the park and play
7)      As president, you get to make a new law that everyone in your country has to follow. What is it?

My law is: If you don’t buy strawberries then you’ll need to sleep on the roof!

8)      You learn that the people of your country are very upset about something. Why are they mad?

Because they need to bring their own food.

9)      Describe what you do to fix the problem.

I will say: Ok if you don’t listen to the rules you’ll be in trouble!

10)  Would you want to be the president of a country in real   life? Why or why not?

        I don’t want to be president because it’s so boring!

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