
Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Importance of Standing

Jared C., 14, HKIS

        There are many cases across the globe of excessive sitting affecting the life span of people. When people sit down too much, their metabolism slows down, their insulin becomes less effective and the probability of catching type 2 diabetes rises. This is exactly why offices should be redesigned to allow less sitting and encourage more standing. It is possible to redesign the offices in such a way that people will not be standing for the entire day and still cut down the amount of hours they spend sitting during working hours. Redesigning the offices in this way can be done by changing all the desks in the office into standing desks and moving supplies further away from the workspace to encourage more walking. For those who want to sit occasionally, they can provide high chairs for the standing desks.
         Replacing all the desks with standing desks is very good for a person’s health as standing desks allow more mobility. They allow you to move around to get things needed to finish the work. These desks are good because sitting down reduces the effectiveness of the insulin in a human and raises the chance of developing type 2 diabetes. Standing, on the other hand, lets the person move around therefore tripling his or her calorie burning rate and maintaining his or her metabolic health. Since standing up is such a good thing health-wise, it should be encouraged wherever a person goes.
         The next thing that could be done is to move supplies further away from the workspace. This encourages more walking. Research shows that the people who do not gain too much weight are the people who do little things like take the stairs, walk down the hall to get office supplies, or simply like to fidget. This means that people will not gain too much weight even if they do not exercise and tend to eat large portions of food. Seeing that walking around gives even more health benefits, and office should be rearranged to promote more walking around.
       Even though there is an uncountable amount of health benefits that can come from moving around and walking a little bit more, people still cannot be standing up for th entire day. So, something that can be implemented into the redesigning of the office is tall chairs. The time spent sitting on these chairs must be limited or the redesigning idea of the office will simply backfire but standing up too much will cause other problems too. Obviously, there has to be a balance between sitting down and standing up in the office, so having tall chairs in the office is not necessarily a bad idea.
         To conclude, the countless health benefits are too large to ignore by not taking any action. On the other hand, there also must be a balance between the amount of time spent sitting down and the amount of time spent standing up, so tall chairs are also a good idea.

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