
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Lyris K., 7, Victoria Shanghai Academy

1) There is a Halloween party at your school! What does your classroom look like? What decorations do you and your classmates put up?

We’ve got witches, pumpkins, black cats, dark lights, and skeleton heads hanging on the lockers.

2) Your teachers cooked up some tasty Halloween snacks and gave the foods some interesting names. What is each one made of? What does it taste like?

Blood punch: Blood punch is cranberry  juice.

Bag of Bones: A bag of bones is a bag of candy.

Graveyard Surprise: Graveyard surprise is some of my cookies yesterday.

3) Everyone is having a good time, but there is no more blood punch left! So your teacher asks you to go to the kitchen and get some more. As you are walking to the kitchen, you hear a crash and a scream coming from behind a door. What do you think has just happened?

I think it started like this. Some naughty students were sitting in there and another student came in. Then the door slammed and the naughty student screamed.

4) You go into this room and are surprised to see a ghost! This ghost looks a little strange though. How is it different from what you expected a ghost to look like?

He was wearing underwear! Its eyes are red as blood and its tail smelled like blue cheese.

5) The ghost starts to cry. It tells you that it is very sad. What happened to it? How did it become a ghost? Why is it so sad?

It is because everyone laughed at him. There was a magic spell in front of the people. The man drank it so he became a ghost.

6) It says that you can help make it feel better. What do you do so that it is not as sad?

The people will get some blood punch for the ghost! Because it is sweet for him.

7) Since you helped the ghost, it flies away and joins its family. How does the ghost thank you? What does it say to you? Does it give you a special gift?

He said, “Thank you,” and he gave me a gift. Inside the gift is a bow for my hair!

8) Finally you make it back to your class with a bowl of blood punch! Your teacher and classmates ask where you have been. What do you tell them?

Instead, I just say, “Just messing around”. Then the teacher said, “Next time bring the blood punch faster”. Then we continue the Halloween party!

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