
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How Much Attention Should Killers Receive?

How Much Attention Should Killers Receive?

Sharon N. 12, St. Paul Convert School

There have been many shootings and bombings recently. There are merciless killers around us. Should the media just briefly introduce these killers to us and skip the most important part, which is the appearance of these terrorists? I don’t think so.
First of all, it is truly vital that the public knows about the killer as it relates to our lives. If you see someone in the streets, who looks exactly like, or even could be the killer you saw on TV, you could dial 999 and phone the nearest police station immediately. But if you don’t know what the killer looks like, you could have already died. It is less dangerous if the public knew at least the appearance of the “on the run” killer. This benefits not only the safety of the public, but it also benefits police who are trying to find the killer.

Secondly, we can understand why these terrorists did such a crazy thing. If it shows up on the media and we know the actual reason why these people do such a thing, we can help kids and teenagers who have the same problem, those who have a motive to kill or shoot innocent people mercilessly. For example, if the killer killed people because of bullying, the public can work together to help kids or teens who have been, or are being bullied. This could help decrease the number of terrorists in the future, which also benefits us.

Moreover, if this killing, shooting and bombing shows up on TV, parents can easily show and educate their purely innocent children how terrible and horrible it is to shoot innocent people. These children’s parents should really show their children why murdering people is a bad, crazy thing to do.

Some might say that showing criminals on TV and not mentioning anything about the victims is not fair to the victims. I understand that this is most unfair to victims, as they were the innocent people who are unlucky, but if we know who the on-the-run terrorist is, people would be cautious and less--or even no deaths--will occur if the terrorist is caught. We have to bring justice, ‘avenge’ those who have innocently died, and catch this terrorist, so that he or she can harm no more.

Due to our safety and better moral education, let’s make justice, ‘avenge’ those who have died unfairly, and catch the terrorist! I firmly disagree that we should banish these terrorists from the public mind.

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