
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Good Jobs

Crystal L, 12, SIS

        The most important things to consider when pursuing a job is whether it is enjoyable, if there is a good boss, and the amount of money you make. Considering whether the job is enjoyable or not is important because most of your life would be spent at work, and if work is not enjoyable then the person’s life would not be as meaningful as well. Whether the person has a good boss or not needs to be considered as well because it will contribute to their happiness. Last but not least, the amount of money that person earns needs to be considered because that’s’ the main point of working: to earn money.
        Firstly, whether the job makes the person happy needs to be considered because that person would be spending most of their life at work, so even their life out of work would be affected. If the person is unhappy, it would lead to depression, stress, and even an early death. She or he might also want to have a job because that person is passionate about it. Even the work hours or location might not matter to the person anymore because of how much she or he likes the job, and that they look forward to going to work every day. It would also be best for the person if she or he is being paid for something they love to do.
        Next, whether you have a good boss or not needs to be considered because it would affect your happiness. Work colleagues also count because you will need to build relationships and respect the people the person works with so that the boss and colleagues will respect them back. The people the employee works with will also affect their work quality. Since work is one of the best places to make new friends, it would be hard ignoring them all day if the employee is not able to work with them. She or he would not be able to gain any new friends from work as well and might be blacklisted through the whole company.
        Thirdly, the amount of money needs to be considered because that is the main reason for the person to go to work. The person would need to think about whether they have enough money to pay rent, support your family, save, and buy food. The location also needs to be considered because if the person is spending too much money on transport then it would affect their lives as well. If the person is not able to pay rent or buy food because of their lack of money, there would be no reason for them to stay working at that place.
        The most important things to consider when pursuing a job is whether it is enjoyable or not, if the person has a good boss or work colleagues, and the amount of money you earn. Whether or not it is enjoyable affects the employee, it would affect their life a lot. Next is whether the person has a good boss or work colleagues because it contributes to their happiness and affects their work quality. Last but not least the amount of money has to be considered because it is one of the main points of working. Salary, how good the boss is, and whether it makes the person happy are important things to consider when pursuing a job.

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