
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Unlikely Friends

By Blossom (Age 6.5, ISF Academy)

Editor's Note: This is a story based on City Dog, Country Frog by Mo Willems. 

Photo via Wikimedia Commons
Once there was a hamster. 
It was from a city called New York. 
Then there was a rabbit. 
It was from a tropical island called Honolulu. 

The hamster said that she had no more friends but the rabbit said, "But I will be your friend."

The rabbit said, "Let's play jumping games." 

"No," said the hamster. "Let's play hamster games." And that was spring. 

When the rabbit went to the city to visit the hamster, the hamster was trapped in a cage. But the rabbit rescued the hamster and they sat and talked together on a rock. And that was summer. 

They did a lot of things. They played and played. Then they talked but they were moving. And that was fall. 

But when the hamster saw that the rabbit was missing she was sad. The hamster looked for the rabbit. And that was winter. 

A new animal appeared. It was a dolphin. It was from the sea. 

The hamster learned how to swim because the dolphin taught him. They played a lot of games, like hide and seek. They played dolphin games then they played hamster games. The dolphin game was splashing. The hamster game was going in a tunnel.

And that was spring again. 

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