
Friday, August 12, 2011

The Wakawakalogogos

By Tiffany Li, 7, CIS
The Assignment: Vacation season is here and you were on a plane. However, there was turbulence and a lightning storm. The engine of your plane was damaged and suddenly you felt a lurch and you…were…fall…ing…BOOM. Complete the following questions to start your adventure.

How did you feel when the plane was about to crash? Were you terrified or scared? What did you do?

I felt scared and sad. I will put on my life jacket and swim suit and go to the emergency exit.

You landed on the ground and fainted. When you opened your eyes, you found yourself in a dense forest with lots of flora and fauna. What was the environment like? What are the sounds, smells and colors of the forest?

I opened my eyes and I saw there were green trees everywhere. I also saw many animals too. Some trees had fruit on their branches.

You looked around and saw that the plane was completely destroyed and there was nothing left but a backpack filled with some food, some water, a flashlight, a coat and a book. What would you do with these items? Would you stay there and cry, or would you start finding your way out of the forest? What are some difficulties?

I would eat some food and then start searching for an island. When I find one I will use the flashlight in the backpack, and then I will open it. Then I will find somewhere to sleep and eat.

Suddenly, you heard some human sounds in the distance. You saw a fire and smelled something nice, like roasted chicken. What would you do?

I would go a little closer to see what’s going on. Then if it is safe I will go closer.
It turned out that the sounds actually came from a tribe, the Wakawakalogogo. What did you see? What did you hear? How did you feel?

I saw a hot air balloon and went into it. I saw a tribe wearing clothes that looked like chickens, tigers, horses, and rabbits.

What did the people from the Wakawakalogogo look like? Did they look the same as us, or did they have three eyes and four mouths? Did they wear face paint or other strange costumes?

They have one eye, five ears, two mouths, and one piece of hair that stands up straight.

How did the people from Wakawakalogogo treat you? Were they friendly and warm, or were they cold and hostile? How did you introduce yourself to them?

They were very mean and made me eat bugs and grass.

The Wakawakalogogos invited you for dinner with them in the chief’s tent. What kinds of food was served there? Did they eat bugs or other strange foods? Do they use forks and knives or do they eat with their hands?

They ate with forks made out of wood. They also used their hands to eat.

OH NO! It turned out that the Wakawakalogogos were actually cannibals and they wanted to eat you! How would you escape and explain to them about your situation?

I ran away at my fastest speed. They were adults so they could not catch up with me. While I ran I spilled some water so they would slip and fall.

The Wakawakalogogos made a deal with you: You either teach them English and they will not eat you, or they will roast you on an open fire. Which one would you choose?

I would teach them English and they would help me get home.

Phew! Thanks goodness, a mysterious person came to your rescue in the nick of time and fought off the Wakawakalogogos. Who was this person? You can make up your own imaginary hero!

It was a girl. She did kung fu and kicked the Wakawakalogogos away.

Where did this mysterious person take you? How did it end? Did you manage to get home safely, or were you forever stuck in the forest? Make the ending exciting and unexpected!

She took me to her house and set up a bed for me. Then she gave me a map to use to go home. She said “stay here for two days then set off for home.” As she had said after two days, I set off for home. After an hour, I found myself in the middle of the ocean. Two hours later, I was on land searching for the landmark of my home. Soon I saw it standing there. I ran past it following the map. Within twenty minutes, I could see my home. I was too tired for running so I walked up the mountain. I walked up up up until I reached the top of the hill. Then I walked to tower fifteen and went up the elevator. I was home.

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